Selection of recent projects
Elsevier eBooks §
Elsevier eBooks help support breakthrough discovery and accelerate research by inspiring new ideas for investigation. They help researchers explore the world’s research output and unfamiliar subject matter, branch into related disciplines and test novel theories—giving rise to the serendipitous moments of discovery that are key turning points in research.
Brief §
Conversion of existing eBooks to ePub3 format.
Design and development of eBook prototypes and pilot eBooks with enhanced interactive assets. Examples of interactive assets are multimedia assets (audio/video), questionnaires (answer review, single-best answer, word drag and drop) and diagnostics.
Optimisation of text displaying, mathematical notations (MathML), data-tables, etc.
Streamline eBook publishing and delivery.
Development of guidelines and templates for eBook publishing.

Deliverables §
ePub3 interactive prototypes and pilot eBooks universally available for eBook hardware (Kindle, Nook), mobile platforms (iOS, Android), in desktop (iBooks, Kindle) and online (Readium) environments.
Guidelines and templates for eBook publishing.
Visual design for interactive elements (buttons, audio player, video player, etc.).
Publisher-supplied XML to semantic HTML mapping structure (ePub3 specifications are largely based on web standard HTML markup).
Visual design in the form of a CSS stylesheet that can be universally included in all eBooks.