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Color palette

Touches of bold, bright colors allow simple way-finding throughout the content and its structure, helping guide users to their next actions.

SeMI’s main brand colors are Vivid Pink, Strong Lime, Olive, Indigo, and Almost Black.

Primary color-palette

Left vs. right side of the SeMI brain

Where Vivid Pink represents its open and fun side, Almost Black represents strength, power and efficiency, the serious business side of SeMI.

Secondary color-palette

SeMI’s Olive color is based on the split-complementary yellow of Vivid Pink. This off-yellow relates to acquired knowledge, mental agility, and inquisitiveness.

Support/accompanying colors

Support colors for information, warning, and success messaging is extrapolated from the main palette.

A support palette of grays–based on the main foreground color–allows for secondary content to take a backseat, rendering it to the UI’s background.

Contrast ratios and accessibility

In progress…

To provide enough contrast when setting text, lighter and darker tints of each primary and secondary color are defined in the palette. In case of setting white text on Vivid Pink it for instance allows white text to have a contrast ratio of at least 4.55 (where the minimum according to WCAG guidelines should be 4.5).